The Movie Quote Contest Page

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Commentary and incorrect guesses on the quotes (You must be logged in to add comments):

General   Action/Adventure   Classics   Comedy   Drama/Romance   Foreign   Horror   Open   Sci-Fi/Fantasy   Western/War  
Quote 1:  If we ain't outta here in 10 minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space!


Quote 2:  We've got visitors. Hello! Welcome to the outer atmosphere of the planet Achea!


Quote 3:  Searching for long-range comms


Quote 4:  So I'll just sit here...all back of the bus....for now.


Quote 5:  They've found out some way to neutralize mesons. They're the atomic glue that holds matter together.


Quote 6:  1. What could he do? He's only a robot. 2. There is no limit to what he could do. He could destroy the Earth.a

 >i robot
 >flight of the navigator


Quote 7:  I gotta call my mothah!


Quote 8:  Death is the road to awe

Gunny: Lifeforce (Mon, Jun 28, 10:27am PDT)


Quote 9:  I'm not the person I remember or at least I'm not sure I am.


Quote 10:  Citi Alpha 6 exploded 6 months after we were left here....

 >The Revenge of Khan
 >Star Trek the Wrath of Khan
 >Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan


General   Action/Adventure   Classics   Comedy   Drama/Romance   Foreign   Horror   Open   Sci-Fi/Fantasy   Western/War  
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